New Maps Track Laws Related to Tobacco Pricing Strategies and Syringe Service Programs in US

(Philadelphia, Pa – Novermber 19, 2019)  Two new maps published to today — syringe service programs (SSPs) and tobacco pricing strategies — offer a comprehensive look at US laws that address tobacco pricing strategies and access to clean syringes through syringe service programs.

“States have a vital role to play in promoting the health and well-being of their residents. These datasets, along with other resources produced under the Promoting Health and Cost Control (PHACCS) in States initiative, will provide decisionmakers, advocates, and other key stakeholders with the evidence and business case for the adoption of policies that have been shown to improve community health,” said Adam Lustig, MS, Manager and Co-Principal Investigator of the PHACCS initiative.

The maps are the first two legal data resources in a new series created and maintained by the Center for Public Health Law Research at Temple University’s Beasley School of Law (CPHLR)  with the Trust for America’s Health (TFAH).

Researchers from the Center used the scientific policy surveillance process in collaboration with experts from TFAH to provide states with detailed information about the current state of US laws that could be used to improve community health through cost-saving policy changes.

“You must first measure a policy to understand its impact on health and cost. These maps give policymakers, advocates, practitioners and other stakeholders a comprehensive look into what these laws say and how the nuanced characteristics differ across the US,” said Lindsay Cloud, JD, Director of the Policy Surveillance Program at CPHLR. “The policy surveillance process we use is the gold standard for legal research because it creates objective, detailed legal data that can be used for evaluation and provides a clear visual to identifying gaps and areas for policy improvement.”

The project will include 13 datasets on a variety of public health topics through the end of 2020, ranging from universal pre-kindergarten and school nutrition standards, to housing and economic policies like the Earned Income Tax Credit and paid sick and family leave laws. The laws displayed were in effect as of August 1, 2019.

The two datasets released today, on syringe service programs and tobacco pricing strategies, represent two of the harm reduction-focused datasets in the series.

Syringe Service Programs

Syringe service program (SSP) policies authorize the legal sale and exchange of sterile syringes, and are one of the most effective and scientifically-based methods for reducing the spread of HIV and Hepatitis. This legal map identifies where SSPs have been explicitly authorized by the law, legal exemptions for individuals who access SSPs if they’re in possession of paraphernalia if stopped by law enforcement, and additional services an SSP must provide directly or through referrals.

Some key findings from this dataset include:

  • 31 states have passed laws that explicitly authorize SSPs. This number has nearly doubled since 2014 (18 states as of August 1, 2014).
  • In four of the 31 states – Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, and Maine – the law requires a one-for-one exchange of syringes.
  • In three states – Colorado, Georgia and Ohio – SSPs are also required to provide HIV and Hepatitis screenings.

Tobacco Pricing Strategies

Tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke are leading causes of preventable death in the US. One strategy to decrease tobacco use and promote quitting is to increase the price of tobacco products. This legal map details US laws that apply taxes or set pricing limits for tobacco products, like traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and others.

Some key findings from this dataset include:

  • All 50 states and the District of Columbia tax cigarettes.
  • All 50 states and the District of Columbia have taxes on non-cigarette tobacco products.
  • 14 states and the District of Columbia also tax e-cigarettes, either by taxing the device, the liquid, or both.
  • 31 states and the District of Columbia prohibit selling cigarettes, non-cigarette tobacco products, or both below cost.
  • 32 states preempt local taxation of tobacco, either through explicit prohibitions on local tobacco taxation or through general limitations on the power of local governments to impose their own excise taxes.

Trust for America’s Health is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes optimal health for every person and community and makes the prevention of illness and injury a national priority. Learn more at

The Center for Public Health Law Research at the Temple University Beasley School of Law supports the widespread adoption of scientific tools and methods for mapping and evaluating the impact of law on health. Learn more at



The State of Obesity 2019 Congressional Briefing: Better Policies for a Healthier America

On November 18th, 2019, Trust for America’s Health held a briefing for congressional staff and partners that reviewed the latest obesity rates and trends, the role of public health and other stakeholders in preventing, treating and responding to obesity and its comorbidities, highlighted promising approaches to ensure healthy communities, and offered evidence-based policy recommendations that could help all Americans lead healthier lives.

Briefing speakers included:

  • John Auerbach, MBA, President and CEO, Trust for America’s Health
  • Devita Davison, Executive Director, FoodLab Detroit
  • Martha Halko, MS, RD, LD, Deputy Director of Prevention & Wellness, Cuyahoga County (Ohio) Board of Health
  • Ruth Petersen, MD, MPH, Director, Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)

Briefing materials:

  • Panelists biographies
  • Presentation slides
  • CDC Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity At A Glance fact sheet
  • CDC Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity’s Work in Healthcare Settings to Reduce Childhood Obesity fact sheet
  • TFAH’s State of Obesity 2019 Report
  • TFAH’s State of Obesity 2019 report fact sheet
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s (RWJF) 2019 Obesity Report

For more information, please contact Daphne Delgado, TFAH Senior Government Relations Manager at [email protected]


Adolescent Suicide Up 87 Percent Over Last Decade; LGBT and American Indian/Alaskan Native Teens at Highest Risk

Vaping among teens also increasing at an alarming rate.

(Washington, DC and Oakland, CA – October 29, 2019) – Adolescent suicides have spiked over the last decade and substance misuse including vaping is exacting a heavy toll on teens according to a report released today by Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and Well Being Trust (WBT).

The report, Addressing a Crisis: Cross-Sector Strategies to Prevent Adolescent Substance Misuse and Suicide finds that, while progress has been made in reducing some risky behaviors, adolescent suicide and substance misuse rates remain high and in some cases are climbing. The report calls for the expansion of evidence-based and cross-sector strategies in order to save lives.

Suicide rates among 12- to 19-year-olds have increased 87 percent between 2007 and 2017 (when the most recent data is available) – making suicide the second leading cause of death among adolescents. In 2017, 7.4 percent of high schoolers nationwide attempted suicide within the preceding 12 months – a 17 percent increase from the previous year. Nearly 3,000 12- to 19-year-olds died by suicide in 2017.

“We know strategies that are proven to work and can improve mental health and well-being among our young people,” said Benjamin F. Miller, PsyD, chief strategy officer, WBT. “From Zero Suicide to Youth Mental Health First Aid to LifeSkills Training programs and dozens of other initiatives, there are solutions out there – why this is not the first question of every Presidential debate, prioritized in Congress, and in every state legislature is beyond me. Our country has failed to devote the time, energy, and resources to our youth.”

An additional area of concern threatening youth well-being is vaping—with rates of use among adolescents climbing dramatically. In just one year, 2017 to 2018, e-cigarette use by high school students increased by 78 percent and by 48 percent among middle school students. More teens are also reporting vaping marijuana.

While there is some good news – rates of illicit or injection and prescription drug use among adolescents have declined or held steady among 12- to 17-year-olds since 2002 – but those rates are still too high and cause serious harm and disruption to young lives. In 2017, 5,455 young people between the ages of 15 to 24 died due to a drug overdose.

Alcohol use among adolescents has also declined. Past month alcohol use among 12- to 17-year-olds declined from 18 percent in 2002 to 10 percent in 2017 and lifetime alcohol use among high school students has declined from 82 percent in 1991 to 60 percent in 2017.

Substance misuse and suicide disproportionately affect adolescents from certain population groups

Of additional concern are large disparities in substance misuse rates and suicide based on teens’ race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation/gender identification or where they live.  Most striking is the high risk for substance misuse and suicide-related behaviors among gay, lesbian and bisexual adolescents.  Forty-eight percent of gay, lesbian and bisexual adolescents report considering or attempting suicide as compared to 13 percent of their heterosexual peers.  These high rates of suicide risk for sexual minority teens are likely due to stressors they experience including discrimination, bullying, violence and family rejection, according to the report.

American Indian/Alaskan Native teens experience the highest rates of suicide among any race and ethnicity in the United States: 16 suicides per 100,000 15- to 19-years-olds in 2016 – a rate 60 percent higher than the national average for all teens.  The high rates of substance misuse and suicide among American Indian/Alaskan Native teens are likely associated with the historical and intergenerational trauma experienced by their community as well as the lack of education and economic opportunities typically available to them.

Solutions do exist and need implementation

Adolescence is a critical juncture in teens’ lives. This report highlights the many opportunities to set youth on healthy pathways be increasing the life circumstances that protect them from harm.

The report highlights dozens of evidence-based programs in place in communities across the country that help reduce risk and build protective factors in teens’ lives  by strengthening families, providing counseling and mentorship, teaching social and emotional skills, fostering connectedness, particularly in schools, and working across sectors. Most importantly, addressing the factors that create or reduce risk for substance misuse or mental health issues will not only reduce negative impact on teens’ health, it will also improve outcomes in other sectors such as high school graduation rates or involvement with the juvenile justice system.

“Adolescence is a challenging time when the impact of poverty, discrimination, bullying and isolation can be intense,” said John Auerbach, President and CEO of Trust for America’s Health. ” Fortunately, there are policies and programs that can reduce some of these circumstances and the risks associated with them by strengthening teens’ coping and emotional skills – skills that can improve their health and lead to their succeeding in school.”

Recommendations for programs and policy actions

The report includes recommendations for policy actions at the federal, state and local level.

Among the specific recommendations are:

  • The federal government and state legislatures should create and/or scale up policies that support families including increases to federal and state earned income tax credits and programs that provide access to health insurance and affordable housing.
  • Congress should increase funding for substance misuse and suicide prevention including Project AWARE and the Garrett Lee Smith State/Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention Grant program.
  • States should expand Medicaid services in schools using flexible models such as school-employed providers, school-based health centers and telehealth.
  • Congress should increase investments in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Adolescent and School Health.
  • All youth-serving systems should adopt trauma-informed and culturally competent policies and practices and should engage youth leaders in program development.
  • Federal, state and local efforts to improve school safety should include strategies to prevent school violence by investing in safe and supportive school environments and mental health services.
  • Public and private funders should incentivize strategies that address common risk/protective factors across all adolescent serving sectors.

The report is part of the TFAH/WBT Pain in the Nation publication series, launched in 2017 and examining substance misuse and suicide trends and evidence-based policies and programs in an effort to promote a comprehensive approach to solving the nation’s deaths of despair crisis. The report series is designed to focus attention on the need for national resilience strategy.



Trust for America’s Health is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes optimal health for every person and community and makes the prevention of illness and injury a national priority. Twitter: @healthyamerica1

Well Being Trust is a national foundation dedicated to advancing the mental, social, and spiritual health of the nation. Created to include participation from organizations across sectors and perspectives, Well Being Trust is committed to innovating and addressing the most critical mental health challenges facing America, and to transforming individual and community well-being. Twitter: @WellBeingTrust.