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State Profile

New Hampshire

Population (2023): 1,402 million

New Hampshire’s public health outcomes and emergency preparedness betters some states but falls behind others. The state placed in the mid performance tier for public health emergency preparedness in TFAH’s 2024 Ready or Not: Protecting the Public’s Health from Diseases, Disasters, and Bioterrorism report. Deaths within the state due to drug misuse, alcohol, or suicide outpace the country as a whole. Based on 2022 data, the percentage of adults with obesity rank lower than the U.S. median. In addition, the rates of diabetes and hypertension rank lower than the U.S. median.

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New Hampshire at a glance


Percent of population (age 6 months or older) who received seasonal flu vaccination, 2022-23

Middle Tier

Public health emergency preparedness performance tier (High, Middle, Low), 2023


Percent of adults who have hypertension, 2023


Percent of adults who have diabetes, 2023


Percent of children age 6-17 who have obesity, 2021-22


Percent of adults who have obesity, 2023


Deaths related to alcohol, drugs, or suicide (per 100,000), 2022


Suicide deaths (per 100,000), 2022


Drug-related deaths (per 100,000), 2022


Alcohol-related deaths (per 100,000), 2022

Data in Detail

Spotlight On

New Hampshire


Improving the Health of Communities by Increasing Access to Affordable, Locally Grown Foods

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