TFAH Annual Reports
TFAH's Annual Reports include highlights of the year's activities and accomplishments and messages from the TFAH Board of Directors Chair and President and CEO. A summary of TFAH's funding and expenses can also be found in each annual report.

Chair's Message

Stephanie Mayfield Gibson, M.D., FCAP
Chair, TFAH Board of Directors
It is a pleasure and an honor to present Trust for America’s Health’s (TFAH) 2022 Annual Report. Thank you for your interest in our mission and activities.
Our nation faces multiple public health challenges, including the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals and communities, the growing number of Americans living with chronic disease or mental health challenges, and a rise in the number of environmental disasters. In addition, these issues are compounded by health inequities, underfunded public health networks, and strained healthcare and social services delivery systems. TFAH, a non-partisan, not for profit organization, remains focused on addressing these issues through policy, research, evidence-based publications, and advocacy.
Among TFAH’s most critical accomplishments during 2022 were working with partners to successfully advocate for removal of financial barriers to vaccines in Medicare Part D and Medicaid, the inclusion of TFAH’s State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America 2022 report data and policy recommendations in the Biden-Harris Administration’s National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, the continuation of the COVID-19 electronic benefits transfer (EBT) nutrition benefits access program beyond the pandemic, the creation of a public health workforce loan repayment plan, and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ strengthened hospital measures around the social drivers of health and antimicrobial use.
During the year, TFAH continued its work to help the nation protect lives during the COVID-19 pandemic and employ action steps to strengthen the public health system to be better prepared for future public health emergencies. To that end, TFAH communicated with Congress, the administration, federal agencies, state and local public health departments, the news media, and other stakeholders on the critical need to invest in the public health workforce and infrastructure and the importance of addressing health disparities.
In addition, TFAH continued to be an advocate for and thought leader on emergency preparedness, public health funding, advancing an age-friendly public health system, addressing the social determinants of health and health equity, and ensuring access to mental health and substance use services.
What’s next? Building an equitable public health system and advancing health equity requires dedication and innovation. TFAH will focus on opportunities to grow and build on current work through new and existing partnerships while ensuring the organization continues to be a sought-after source of information and expertise. TFAH will continue to build good will and utilize multi-sector knowledge to realize our vision of providing the opportunity for optimal health for everyone as set forth by our Founder and first President, the late Honorable Governor Lowell P. Weicker, Jr. who passed away in June 2023.
Thank you to TFAH’s funders for their generous and crucial support. I also thank our Board of Directors for their steadfast service and for their time and strategic guidance to the organization. And thank you to our President and CEO, Dr. J. Nadine Gracia, for her stellar leadership and management, the leadership team, and the entire dedicated staff for operationalizing TFAH’s mission to promote optimal health for every person and community and make prevention of illness and injury a national priority. I am also grateful to our former Board Chair, Dr. Gail C. Christopher, for years of committed service and her forward-leaning guidance.