June | 2015

The Facts Hurt: A State-By-State Injury Prevention Policy Report

come. For more information, visit www.rwjf.org. Follow the Foundation on Twitter at www.rwjf.org/twitter or on Facebook at www.rwjf.org/facebook. The Safe States Alliance is a national, non-profit organization and professional association…

June | 2013

TFAH Releases “The Truth about the Prevention Fund”

…disease prevention a national priority. www.healthyamericans.org ### Examples of CTG Efforts in Communities: West Virginia is supporting local health departments to address top challenges facing their community and develop solutions….

September | 2017

National Youth Obesity Rate Holds Steady, New Data Show

…enable all to live longer, healthier lives now and for generations to come. For more information, visit www.rwjf.org. Follow the Foundation on Twitter at www.rwjf.org/twitter or on Facebook at www.rwjf.org/facebook….

August | 2013

F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2013

…and get the care they need, the Foundation expects to make a difference in your lifetime. For more information, visit www.rwjf.org. Follow the Foundation on Twitter www.rwjf.org/twitter or Facebook www.rwjf.org/facebook….