Trust for America’s Health and Well Being Trust Applaud the Surgeon General’s Advisory on Youth Mental Health

The challenges to our children’s mental health were many before COVID-19 and made worse by the pandemic – immediate action is needed

(December 7, 2021) – Trust for America’s Health and Well Being Trust strongly applaud U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy’s Advisory on Youth Mental Health released today.

“We applaud the Surgeon General for not only drawing more attention to the issue of youth mental health, but reminding us that this problem, significant before COVID-19, has been negatively impacted during, and could only get worse after the pandemic without robust action,” said Benjamin F. Miller, PsyD, President of Well Being Trust.  “By proactively addressing mental health, including bringing care to where people are, we are more likely to meet the moment in a way that can help countless young people and their families.”

The Surgeon General’s advisory calls for “a swift and coordinated response” to the nation’s youth mental health crisis and demonstrates the need for all sectors of society to be part of the solution with recommendations for what individuals, families, community organizations, technology companies and government can do to improve and protect young people’s mental health.

“One of the strengths of this advisory is that it recognizes that in order to support young people’s mental health we need to address the social and economic conditions in their lives with multisector initiatives, said J. Nadine Gracia, M.D., MSCE, President and CEO of Trust for America’s Health. “Where a child lives, where they go to school, their family’s access to employment and safe housing all impact their mental health.”

TFAH and WBT’s Pain in the Nation series has tracked the nation’s deaths of despair since 2017 including the escalating youth mental health crisis. Its report Addressing a Crisis: Cross-Sector Strategies to Prevent Adolescent Substance Use and Suicide. makes recommendations for cross sector action.


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Trust for America’s Health is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes optimal health for every person and community and makes the prevention of illness and injury a national priority. Twitter: @HealthyAmerica1

Well Being Trust is a national foundation dedicated to advancing the mental, social, and spiritual health of the nation. Created to include participation from organizations across sectors and perspectives, Well Being Trust is committed to innovating and addressing the most critical mental health challenges facing America, and to transforming individual and community well-being. Twitter: @WellBeingTrust



Nuevo informe encuentra lagunas en la preparación de los estados para emergencias de salud pública

La COVID-19 muestra daño crítico de subinversión en infraestructura de salud pública

(Washington, DC) — 10 de marzo de 2021 – La pandemia de COVID-19 ha demostrado claramente que la inversión insuficiente en la preparación para responder a emergencias de salud pública puede costar cientos de miles de vidas y causar estragos en la economía. Un nuevo informe publicado hoy por Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) midió el desempeño de los estados en 10 indicadores clave de preparación para emergencias y encontró espacio para mejorar en todas las jurisdicciones.

El informe Ready or Not 2021: Protecting the Public’s Health from Diseases, Disasters and Bioterrorism midió la preparación de los estados para emergencias de salud de cualquier tipo (no solo la crisis del COVID-19).  Este informe colocó a 20 estados y al Distrito de Columbia en una categoría de alto nivel de preparación, 15 estados en un nivel de preparación medio y 15 estados en un nivel de preparación bajo.

Durante casi dos décadas, TFAH ha examinado la preparación para emergencias de salud pública de la nación en este informe anual. Durante ese tiempo, todos los estados han mejorado su preparación para emergencias, pero todos continúan teniendo espacio para un fortalecimiento adicional de sus programas de respuesta de salud pública.


Rendimiento estatal, por nivel de puntuación, 2020

Performance Tier States Number of States
High Tier CO, CT, DC, DE, GA, ID, KS, MA, MD, ME, MS, NC, NE, NM, OK, RI, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI 20 states and DC
Middle Tier AL, CA, FL, IA, IL, KY, LA, MI, MN, MT, ND, NJ, OR, TN, TX 15 states
Low Tier AK, AR, AZ, HI, IN, MO, NH, NV, NY, OH, PA, SC, SD, WV, WY 15 states

“La importancia de este informe es que brinda a los estados datos procesables para adoptar políticas que salven vidas. La crisis de COVID-19 muestra que tenemos mucho más trabajo por hacer para proteger a los estadounidenses de las amenazas a la salud, particularmente en las formas en que el racismo estructural crea y exacerba los riesgos para la salud dentro de las comunidades de color ”, dijo John Auerbach, presidente y director ejecutivo de Trust for Salud de Estados Unidos. “Los estados deben tomar medidas enérgicas para apuntalar su preparación para todo tipo de emergencias de salud pública”.

Si bien los hallazgos del informe no son una medida de la respuesta COVID-19 de ningún estado, demuestran que si bien la preparación de los estados es importante, las emergencias de salud nacionales en la escala de una pandemia requieren un liderazgo y una coordinación federales fuertes, e inversiones a largo plazo en salud pública. infraestructura y mano de obra. Los estados por sí solos, incluso aquellos que ocupan un lugar destacado en este informe, no están lo suficientemente equipados para responder a una pandemia sin ayuda federal, dicen los autores del informe.

El informe encontró:

La mayoría de los estados han hecho preparativos para expandir la atención médica y las capacidades de salud pública en una emergencia, a menudo a través de la colaboración. Treinta y cuatro estados participaron en el Nurse Licensure Compact, en comparación con 26 en 2017. El pacto permite a las enfermeras registradas y las enfermeras prácticas o vocacionales con licencia ejercer en múltiples jurisdicciones con una sola licencia. En caso de emergencia, esto permite a los funcionarios de salud aumentar rápidamente sus niveles de personal. Además, los hospitales de la mayoría de los estados tienen un alto grado de participación en coaliciones de salud. En promedio, el 89 por ciento de los hospitales estaban en una coalición y 17 estados y el Distrito de Columbia tenían participación universal, lo que significa que todos los hospitales de la jurisdicción eran parte de una coalición. Dichas coaliciones unen a los hospitales y otras instalaciones de atención médica con la gestión de emergencias y los funcionarios de salud pública para planificar y responder a los incidentes. Finalmente, todos los estados y el Distrito de Columbia tenían laboratorios de salud pública que tenían planes para una gran afluencia de necesidades de pruebas. Esta capacidad de aumentar la capacidad de prueba de laboratorio durante la crisis de COVID-19 fue extremadamente crítica.

La mayoría de los estados están acreditados en las áreas de salud pública, manejo de emergencias o ambos. A diciembre de 2020, la Junta de Acreditación de Salud Pública (PHAB) o el Programa de Acreditación de Gestión de Emergencias (EMAP) acreditaron 42 estados y el Distrito de Columbia; 29 estados y el Distrito de Columbia fueron acreditados por ambos grupos, un aumento neto de uno desde noviembre de 2019. Ambos programas ayudan a garantizar que los sistemas necesarios de preparación y respuesta ante emergencias estén en su lugar y con personal calificado.

Las tasas de vacunación contra la influenza estacional, aunque aún son demasiado bajas, han aumentado significativamente. La tasa de vacunación contra la influenza estacional entre los estadounidenses de 6 meses o más aumentó del 42 por ciento durante la temporada 2017-2018 al 52 por ciento durante la temporada 2018-2019, pero aún está por debajo de la tasa de vacunación objetivo del 70 por ciento establecida por Healthy People 2030.

En 2019, solo el 55 por ciento de los residentes estatales empleados, en promedio, usaron tiempo libre remunerado, el mismo porcentaje que en 2018. Aquellos sin licencia remunerada tienen más probabilidades de trabajar cuando están enfermos y corren el riesgo de propagar la infección. Esto se volvió particularmente relevante durante la pandemia de COVID-19, ya que el aislamiento y la cuarentena son herramientas importantes para controlar el brote.

La mayoría de los residentes que obtuvieron el agua de su hogar a través de un sistema de agua comunitario tenían acceso a agua potable. En promedio, solo el 5 por ciento de los residentes del estado utilizó un sistema de agua comunitario en 2019 que no cumplía con todos los estándares de salud aplicables.

El informe incluye recomendaciones de acciones por parte de los legisladores federales y estatales para mejorar la preparación para emergencias de salud pública de la nación en siete áreas prioritarias:

  • Proporcionar financiación suficiente y estable para la seguridad de la salud pública nacional y mundial.
  • Fortalecer las políticas y los sistemas para prevenir y responder a brotes y pandemias.
  • Construir comunidades resilientes y promover la equidad en salud en general y en la preparación.
  • Asegurar liderazgo, coordinación y fuerza laboral efectivos en salud pública.
  • Acelerar el desarrollo y la distribución, incluida la distribución de última milla, de contramedidas médicas.
  • Fortalecer la capacidad del sistema de salud para responder y recuperarse durante y de emergencias de salud.
  • Prepárese para las amenazas ambientales y el clima extremo.

El informe de la serie Ready or Not está financiado por la Fundación Robert Wood Johnson con el apoyo adicional de The California Endowment, W.K. Fundación Kellogg y Fundación Kresge.


Trust for America’s Health es una organización no partidista sin fines de lucro que promueve la salud óptima para cada persona y comunidad y hace de la prevención de enfermedades y lesiones una prioridad nacional. Twitter: @HealthyAmerica1

Increases in Drug Overdose Death Rates Were Up Before COVID-19 and Are Continuing to Rise During the Pandemic

Trust for America’s Health and Well Being Trust Call for Renewed Focus on Preventing Deaths of Despair

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA & OAKLAND, CA – Dec. 23, 2020 – According to data released this week by the National Center for Health Statistics, in 2019 age-adjusted drug overdose deaths increased slightly over the prior year.  Coupled with data released last week by the CDC showing increases in drug overdose deaths in early 2020, these reports demonstrate the continuing upward trajectory of drug deaths in the U.S, a trend that is being compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The age-adjusted rate of drug overdose during 2019 was 21.6 per 100,000 deaths, up from the 2018 rate of 20.7 per 100,000. In 2019, 70,630 people died due to drug overdose in the United States.

Between 1999 and 2019 the rate of drug overdose deaths increased for all groups aged 15 and older, with people aged 35-44 experiencing the highest single year increase in 2019.  While rates of drug overdose deaths involving heroin, natural and semisynthetic opioids, and methadone decreased between 2018 and 2019 the rate of overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids other than methadone continued to increase.

2018 data showing only minor progress after decades of worsening trends, provisional drug overdose data showing an 18% increase over the last 12 months, and the recent CDC Health Alert Network notice on early 2020 increases in fatal drug overdoses driven by synthetic opioids all underscore the continued impact of the deaths of despair crisis and how the COVID-19 pandemic has further diminished the mental health and well-being of many Americans.

“These 2019 overdose rates and the outlook for 2020 are extremely alarming and the result of insufficient prioritization and investment in the well-being and health of Americans for decades,” said John Auerbach, President and CEO of the Trust for America’s Health. “As we work to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, we must take a comprehensive approach that includes policies and programs that help Americans currently struggling and target upstream root causes, like childhood trauma, poverty and discrimination in order to help change the trajectory of alcohol, drug, and suicide deaths in the upcoming decades.”

Over the last five years, Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and Well Being Trust (WBT) have released a series of reports on “deaths of despair” called Pain in the Nation: The Drug, Alcohol and Suicides Epidemics and the Need for a National Resilience Strategy, which include data analysis and recommendations for evidence-based policies and programs that federal, state, and local officials.

“If leaders don’t act now to stymie America’s mental health and addiction crises, next year’s data will easily surpass the astounding numbers we’re seeing today,” said Dr. Benjamin F. Miller, PsyD, Chief Strategy Officer at Well Being Trust. “Overdose deaths can be prevented if individuals who are struggling are able to access the appropriate services and supports – and with greater demonstrated success if the care individuals receive is rooted in their immediate communities.”


Drug Overdose Deaths, 1999-2019 (Rates age-adjusted)

Year Deaths Deaths per 100,000
1999 16,849 6.1
2000 17,415 6.2
2001 19,394 6.8
2002 23,518 8.2
2003 25,785 8.9
2004 27,424 9.4
2005 29,813 10.1
2006 34,425 11.5
2007 36,010 11.9
2008 36,450 11.9
2009 37,004 11.9
2010 38,329 12.3
2011 41,340 13.2
2012 41,502 13.1
2013 43,982 13.8
2014 47,055 14.7
2015 52,404 16.3
2016 63,632 19.8
2017 70,237 21.7
2018 67,367 20.7
2019 70,630 21.6

CDC – NCHS – National Center for Health Statistics

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About Trust for America’s Health
Trust for America’s Health is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes optimal health for every person and community and makes the prevention of illness and injury a national priority. Twitter: @HealthyAmerica1


About Well Being Trust
Well Being Trust is a national foundation dedicated to advancing the mental, social, and spiritual health of the nation. Created to include participation from organizations across sectors and perspectives, Well Being Trust is committed to innovating and addressing the most critical mental health challenges facing America, and to transforming individual and community well-being. Twitter: @WellBeingTrust


Policymakers and Health Systems Must Earn Trust within Communities of Color and Tribal Nations to Ensure COVID-19 Vaccine Receptivity, Say Health and Public Health Leaders

Policy brief calls for building vaccine acceptance in communities of color and tribal communities through data transparency, tailored communications via trusted messengers, ensuring ease of vaccine access and no out-of-pocket costs

(Washington, DC – Dec. 21, 2020) – A woeful history of maltreatment of communities of color and tribal nations by government and the health sector, coupled with present day marginalization of these communities by the healthcare system, are the root of vaccine distrust among those groups, according to a policy brief, Building Trust in and Access to a COVID-19 Vaccine Among People of Color and Tribal Nations released today by Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and co-authors the National Medical Association (NMA) and UnidosUS.

This historic maltreatment, coupled with current day structural racism, has played out in COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on communities of color and tribal communities. These factors also make ensuring vaccine receptivity and access within those communities challenging and of critical importance to protecting lives and ending the pandemic.

In October 2020, TFAH, NMA and UnidosUS hosted a policy convening with 40 leading health equity, healthcare, civil rights, and public health organizations. The purpose of the convening was to advise policymakers on the barriers to vaccine receptivity within communities of color and tribal communities and how to overcome those barriers.

“Earning trust within communities of color and tribal communities will be critical to the successful administration of the COVID-19 vaccine. Doing so will require prioritizing equity, ensuring that leaders from those communities have authentic opportunities to impact vaccine distribution and administration planning, and, the resources to fully participate in supporting vaccine outreach, education and delivery in their communities,” said Dr. J. Nadine Gracia, Executive Vice President and COO of Trust for America’s Health.

The convening created recommendations for policy actions that should be taken immediately within six key areas:

Ensure the scientific fidelity of the vaccine development process.

  • HHS and vaccine developers should release all available vaccine data at frequent and regular intervals to improve transparency and increase confidence in the vaccine evaluation process. Leadership at FDA and HHS must commit to advancing any vaccine only after it has been validated based on established federal and scientific protocols. Programs to monitor for adverse events must also be in place and transparent. Any perception of bypassing safety measures or withholding information could derail a successful vaccination effort.
  • FDA should engage health and public health professional societies, particularly those representing healthcare providers of color, local public health officials, as well as other stakeholders with a role in vaccination, and allow these groups to validate all available data, review the vaccine development and approval process, and issue regular updates on data to their patients, members, and the public.

 Equip trusted community organizations and networks within communities of color and tribal nations to participate in vaccination planning, education, delivery and administration.  Ensure their meaningful engagement and participation by providing funding.

  • Congress should fund CDC and its state, local, tribal, and territorial partners to provide training, support, and financial resources for community-based organizations to join in vaccination planning and implementation, including community outreach, training of providers, and participation in vaccination clinics. State, local, tribal, and territorial authorities should authentically engage and immediately begin vaccination planning with community-based organizations, community health workers/promotores de salud, faith leaders, educators, civic and tribal leaders, and other trusted organizations outside the clinical healthcare setting as key, funded partners.

Provide communities the information they need to understand the vaccine, make informed decisions, and deliver messages through trusted messengers and pathways.

  • Congress should provide at least $500 million to CDC for outreach, communication, and educational efforts to reach priority populations in order to increase vaccine confidence and combat misinformation. All communications must be culturally and linguistically appropriate and tailored as much as possible to reach diverse populations as well as generations within groups.
  • FDA and CDC should initiate early engagement with diverse national organizations and provide funding and guidance for state, local, tribal, and territorial planners to help shape messaging and engage locally with healthcare providers in communities of color and tribal communities, such as nurses, pharmacists, promotores de salud, community health workers, and others to ensure they have the information they need to feel comfortable recommending the vaccine to their patients. Congress and HHS should provide funding for training and engagement of trusted non-healthcare communicators to help shape messaging and to train informal networks, civic and lay leaders, and other trusted community leaders and community-based organizations to answer questions and encourage vaccination.
  • All messaging about the vaccine must be appropriate for all levels of health literacy. Communication should be realistic and clear about timelines and priority groups (and the rationale for these decisions), vaccine effectiveness, types of vaccines, the number of doses, costs, and the need for ongoing public health protections. Planners must provide information that meets people where they are (e.g., barber shops, bodegas, grocery stores, places of worship, etc.) and ensure that trusted messengers in those places have the information they need to be credible and authentic spokespeople.


Ensure that it is as easy as possible for people to be vaccinated. Vaccines must be delivered in community settings that are trusted, safe and accessible.

  • We urge the administration and Congress to appropriate the resources necessary to expand and strengthen federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal capacity for a timely, comprehensive, and equitable COVID-19 vaccination planning, communications, distribution, and administration campaign, including funding to support vaccine distribution at the local level and by community-based organizations.
  • Congress and HHS should allocate funding to increase access to vaccination services to ensure that people seeking to be vaccinated do not experience undue increased exposure to the virus as they travel to, move through, and return home from vaccination sites. Flexibility in funding is needed to enable transport of people to vaccination sites, increase accessibility to people without cars, and promote safety and minimize exposure at vaccination locations. Funding should also be provided to health and community-based agencies to assist those for whom transportation or childcare costs are an obstacle to receipt of the vaccine.
  • Planners should ensure that vaccination sites are located in areas that have borne a disproportionate burden of COVID-19, especially leveraging community-based organizations such as Federally Qualified Health Centers, community health centers, rural health centers, schools and places of worship. Mobile services will be particularly important in rural areas. Planners should prioritize congregate living facilities, such as long-term care, prisons, and homeless shelters. In addition, some families, displaced by the COVID economic fallout, may be living with relatives. Planners should ensure vaccination sites have services that meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) standards for disability and language access.
  • Federal state, local, tribal, and territorial officials must guarantee and communicate with the public that immigration status is not a factor in people’s ability to receive the vaccine and that immigration status is not collected or reported by vaccination sites/providers. Similarly, the presence of law enforcement officers or military personnel could be a deterrent for vaccination at locations, so planners should consider other means of securing sites.
  • In the initial phase, as communities vaccinate healthcare workers, planners must be sure to prioritize home health, long-term care, and other non-hospital-based healthcare workers, who are more likely to be people of color. Other essential workers that comprise large numbers of workers who are people of color and should be treated as within the vaccination priority groups are the food service industry, farmworkers and public transportation employees.

Ensure complete coverage of the costs associated with the vaccine incurred by individuals, providers of the vaccine, and state/local/tribal/territorial governments responsible for administering the vaccine and communicating with their communities about it.

  • Congress, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and private payers must guarantee that people receiving the vaccine have zero out-of-pocket costs for the vaccine, related health care visits, or any adverse events related to the vaccine, regardless of their health insurance status.
  • HHS, with emergency funding from Congress, should provide funding so that state, local, tribal, and territorial governments do not bear any cost of vaccine communication efforts, working with their communities, organizing sites, training their staff, and providing personal protective equipment (PPE).

 Congress must provide additional funding and require disaggregated data collection and reporting by age, race, ethnicity, gender identity, primary language, disability status, and other demographic factors on vaccine trust and acceptance, access, vaccination rates, adverse experiences, and ongoing health outcomes.

  • CDC, and state, local, tribal, and territorial authorities should include leaders from communities of color and tribal communities and to plan on-going data collection on vaccination efforts, interpret data, add cultural context, share data with communities, and determine implications and next steps.
  • CDC, and state, local, tribal, and territorial authorities should use these data to inform ongoing prioritization of vaccine distribution and rapidly address gaps in vaccination that may arise among subpopulations by race, ethnicity, neighborhood, or housing setting.

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Trust for America’s Health is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes optimal health for every person and community and makes the prevention of illness and injury a national priority. Twitter: @healthyamerica1


U.S. Adult Obesity Rate Tops 42 Percent; Highest Ever Recorded

Having obesity is a risk factor for serious COVID consequences; pandemic could increase future levels of obesity due to increased food insecurity

(Washington, DC – September 17, 2020) – The U.S. adult obesity rate passed the 40 percent mark for the first time, standing at 42.4 percent, according to State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America released today by Trust for America’s Health (TFAH).  The national adult obesity rate has increased by 26 percent since 2008.

The report, based in part on newly released 2019 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System (BFRSS) and analysis by TFAH, provides an annual snapshot of rates of overweight and obesity nationwide including by age, race and state of residence.

Demographic trends and the conditions in people’s lives have a large impact on their ability to maintain a healthy weight.  Generally, the data show that the more a person earns the less likely they are to have obesity.  Individuals with less education were also more likely to have obesity. Rural communities have higher rates of obesity and severe obesity than do suburban and metro areas.

Socioeconomic factors such as poverty and discrimination have contributed to higher rates of obesity among certain racial and ethnic populations.  Black adults have the highest level of adult obesity nationally at 49.6 percent; that rate is driven in large part by an adult obesity rate among Black women of 56.9 percent.  Latinx adults have an obesity rate of 44.8 percent.  The obesity rates for white adults is 42.2 percent.  Asian adults have an overall 17.4 percent obesity rate.

Obesity and its impact on health including COVID-19 risks

Obesity has serious health consequences including increased risk for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and many types of cancers. Obesity is estimated to increase healthcare spending by $149 billion annually (about half of which is paid for by Medicare and Medicaid) and being overweight or having obesity is the most common reason young adults are ineligible for military service. Concerns about the impact of obesity have taken on new dimensions this year as having obesity is one of the underlying health conditions associated with the most serious consequences of COVID infection, including hospitalization and death. These new data mean that 42 percent of all Americans are at increased risk of serious, possibly fatal, health impacts from COVID-19 due to their weight and health conditions related to obesity.

“Solving the country’s obesity crisis will require addressing the conditions in people’s lives that lead to food insecurity and create obstacles to healthy food options and safe physical activity.  Those conditions include poverty, unemployment, segregated housing and racial discrimination,” said John Auerbach, President and CEO of Trust for America’s Health. “This year’s pandemic has shown that these conditions don’t only increase the risk of obesity and chronic illnesses, they also increase the risk of the most serious COVID outcomes.”

Childhood obesity also on the rise

Rates of childhood obesity are also increasing with the latest data showing that 19.3 percent of U.S. young people, ages 2 to 19, have obesity. In the mid-1970s, 5.5 percent of young people had obesity.  Being overweight or having obesity as a young person puts them at higher risk for having obesity and its related health risks as an adult. Furthermore, children are exhibiting earlier onset of what used to be considered adult conditions, including hypertension and high cholesterol.

Twelve states have adult obesity rates above 35 percent

Obesity rates vary considerably between states and regions of the country.  Mississippi has the highest adult obesity rate in the country at 40.8 percent and Colorado has the lowest at 23.8 percent.  Twelve states have adult rates above 35 percent, they are: Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia.  As recently as 2012, no state had an adult obesity rate above 35 percent; in 2000 no state had an adult obesity rate above 25 percent.

Food insecurity and its relationship to obesity

The report includes a special section on food insecurity and its relationship to obesity. Food insecurity is linked to lower quality diets and tracks with higher levels of obesity in many population groups. Food insecurity is closely linked to economic conditions. There were higher levels of food insecurity during the 2008-2009 financial crisis and early data indicate a large increase in the number of American families experiencing food insecurity due to the COVID-19 crisis. According to U.S. Census Bureau survey data, 25 percent of all respondents and 30 percent of respondents with children, reported experiencing food insecurity between April and June of this year.

Solving the obesity crisis will require multi-sector initiatives and policy change

The report includes recommendations on how best to address the obesity crisis grounded in two principles: 1) the need for a multi-sector, multi-disciplinary approach, and 2) a focus on those population groups that are disproportionately impacted by the obesity crisis.

Recommendations include:

  • While the COVID-19 public health emergency continues to be in place, continue USDA nutrition policy waivers and expand no-cost school meals to all enrolled students for the entire 2020-2021 school year.
  • Increase funding to allow for the expansion of critical CDC obesity-prevention programs including the State Physical Activity and Nutrition Program and the Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health program.
  • Expand benefits in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as “food stamps”) by raising maximum benefit levels, extending Pandemic-EBT (P-EBT) for students and children, doubling investments in SNAP-Ed, and finding innovative, voluntary ways to improve diet quality without harming access or benefit levels.
  • Incentivize businesses and public land use to increase access to healthy food options and safe places to be physically active.
  • Disincentivize unhealthy food choices by closing tax loopholes and eliminating business-cost deductions related to the advertising of unhealthy food and beverages to children and by enacting sugary drink taxes where tax revenue is allocated to local efforts to reduce health and socioeconomic disparities.
  • Encourage Medicaid to cover pediatric weight-management programs for all eligible beneficiaries.



Report Full Text


Support for the State of Obesity report series was provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect the view of the Foundation.

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Trust for America’s Health is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes optimal health for every person and community and makes the prevention of illness and injury a national priority.


TFAH Applauds the Introduction of the Improving Social Determinants of Health Act of 2020 by Senator Smith (MN) and Senator Murphy (CT)

(Washington, DC – August 5, 2020) – Trust for America’s Health (TFAH), a non-partisan, independent public health policy, research and advocacy organization, applauds Senators Tina Smith (MN) and Chris Murphy (CT) for introducing the Improving Social Determinants of Health Act of 2020. This critical bill would address the social, economic and environmental conditions that affect the health and wellbeing of millions of Americans.

If enacted, the bill would create a Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Program at the   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Through grants, this program would improve the capacity of public health departments and community organizations to address social determinants of health and reduce health care costs by building multi-sector collaborations and addressing policies that currently inhibit good health. Grants would also be issued to nonprofit organizations and institutions of higher education to conduct research on SDOH best practices, provide technical, training and evaluation assistance and/or disseminate those best practices. Lastly, the program would coordinate, support and align SDOH activities at CDC.

The President and CEO of Trust for America’s Health, John Auerbach, congratulates Sen. Smith and Sen. Murphy on the introduction of the bill:

The COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the continued conversations our country is having about racism and racial justice, continue to put a spotlight on the social and economic conditions that contribute to an individual’s health outcomes during their life.

We know that a community’s resources directly impact the health outcomes of its residents. Now is the time to work to address these disparities, including those in housing, employment, food security and education.

This legislation would empower public health departments and community organizations to act as chief health strategists in their communities and lead efforts to convene partners across sectors to build integrated systems and programs that improve health and health equity.

The Improving Social Determinants of Health Act of 2020 is an important next step in improving health outcomes, would reduce overall healthcare spending and help address health inequities; TFAH is proud to support this bill and urges Congressional support.”

This bill is the Senate companion bill to Improving Social Determinants of Health Act of 2020 (H.R. 6561), which was introduced by Representative Nanette Diaz Barragán (CA-44) in April 2020.

TFAH’s summary of the bill can be found here.  For more information on The Improving Social Determinants of Health Act of 2020, please contact Daphne Delgado at [email protected].

In addition to TFAH, original endorsing organizations include:

1,000 Days

A Vision of Change Inc.

Addiction Professionals of North Carolina

Addiction Connections Resource

All Youth Access, LLC

Aligning for Health

America’s Essential Hospitals

American Art Therapy Association

American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work

American Association of Birth Centers

American Association on Health and Disability

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

American College of Nurse-Midwives

American College of Preventative Medicine

American Federation of Teachers

American Heart Association

American Lung Association

American Institute for Cancer Research

American Kidney Fund

American Medical Student Association

American Public Health Association

Anders & Associates

Anxiety and Depression Association of America

APLA Health

Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum

Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs

Association of Minority Health Professions Schools

Association of Public Health Laboratories

Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

Association of State Public Health Nutritionists

Autism Family Services of New Jersey

Autistic Self Advocacy Network

Behavioral Health Association of Providers

Berean Wellness & Community Support Center

Better Health Partnership

Bike Cleveland

Blue Shield of California

Bridges Into the Future

Brighter Beginnings

Brooklyn Perinatal Network Inc

Build Healthy Places Network

Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus

California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals

California Pan-Ethnic Health Network


Caregivers of New Jersey

Center for Civil Justice

Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)

Ceres Community Project

ChangeLab Solutions

Chicago Youth Programs, Inc.

Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition

Cleveland Public Library

Coalition for Disability Health Equity

Commission on the Public’s Health System

Common Threads

Community Based Organization Partners (CBOP)- Brooklyn Chapter

Community Catalyst

Community Cup Classic Foundation

Community Engagement Studio of Flint

Community Health Councils

Community Resilience Initiative

Congregation of Our Lady of the Good Shepherd, U.S. Provinces

Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children (CLOCC)

Cook County Department of Public Health

Counter Tools

Cuyahoga County Board of Health

Deborah’s Place

Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF)

Epilepsy Alliance America

Epilepsy Information Service of Wake Forest

Epilepsy Services of NJ

Epilepsy Services of New Jersey

Equality California

Equality North Carolina

Families USA

Farmworker Justice

Flint Association of Black Social Workers

flint rising

Flint Women’s Study Community Action Network

Florida Institute for Health Innovation

George Washington University Center for Health Policy and Media Engagement

Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice

Greater Chicago Food Depository

Greater Flint Health Coalition

GSK Consumer Healthcare

Health by Design

Health Leadership Legacy Project

Health Outreach Partners

Health Resources in Action

Health Care Improvement Foundation

Healthy Chesapeake

Healthy Kinder International

Hispanic Federation

Human Impact Partners

Human Rights Campaign

Illinois Association of Behavioral Health

Indiana Public Health Association

Impetus –  Let’s Get Started LLC

Japanese American Citizens League

Jump IN for Healthy Kids

Justice in Aging

Lakeshore Foundation

Lanai Community Health Center

Latino Coalition for a Health CA

Lutheran Services in America

Maine Public Health Association

March of Dimes

MaryCatherine Jones Consulting, LLC

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Mid-City CAN (Community Advocacy Network)

Midwest Asian Health Association



Move United



National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd

National Association for Rural Mental Health

National Association of Certified Professional Midwives

National Association of Chronic Disease Directors

National Association of Community Health Workers

National Association of Counties

National Association of County Behavioral Health & Development Disability Directors

National Association of County and City Health Officials

National Association of Social Workers

National Association of School Nurses

National Center for Transgender Equality

National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health

National Council of Jewish Women

National Health Care for the Homeless Council

National Hispanic Medical Association

National Medical Association (NMA)

National Network of Public Health Institutes

National Nurse-Led Care Consortium

National Partnership for Women & Families

National Recreation and Park Association

National Register of Health Service Psychologists

National WIC Association

National Working Positive Coalition

Nemours Children’s Health System


Network for Environmental & Economic Responsibility

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice

New Jersey Association of County and City Health Officials (NJACCHO)

New Jersey Public Health Association

NOELA Community Health Center

North Carolina Alliance for Health

North Central Public Health District

North Dakota Rural Health Association

Northern Michigan Community Health Innovation Region

NOVA ScriptsCentral

One Joplin

Oregon Vision Coalition


PFLAG National

Physicians for Social Responsibility, AZ Chapter

Physicians for Social Responsibility-Los Angeles

Piedmont Access To Health Services, Inc.

Presbyterian Healthcare Services

Prevent Blindness

Prevent Cancer Foundation

Prevention Institute

Project for Whole Health Learning in K-12

Population Health Alliance

Public Health Alliance of Southern California

Public Health Foundation

Public Health Institute

Redstone Center for Prevention and Wellness

Respiratory Health Association



Silver State Equality-Nevada

SLM Consulting, LLC

Society for Community Research & Action (SCRA)

Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine

Society for Public Health Education

Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC)

tahoe forest Hospital Care coordination

Tennessee Justice Center

The AIDS Institute

The Center for Community Resilience

The Gerontological Society of America

The Health Trust

The Fairfield Group

The Family Resource Network

The Los Angeles Trust for Children’s Health

The National REACH Coalition

The Participatory Budgeting Project

The Praxis Project

The Pride Center at Equality Park

The Wall Las Memorias Project

Training Resources Network, Inc.

Treatment Action Group

Trust for America’s Health

United Way of Treasure Valley

Valley AIDS Council

Vita Health and Wellness Partnership

Washington State Department of Health

Wayne State University Center for Health and Community Impact

WE in the World

Well Being Trust

West Valley Neighborhoods Coalition

Western Idaho Community Health Collaborative

Wholesome Wave

Wisconsin Division of Public Health

Wright County Public Health

COVID-19 School Closures Put 30 Million Children at Risk of Hunger

Many States with High COVID-19 Infection Rates Also Have Highest School-Meal Programs Participation Rates

(Washington, DC – July 16, 2020) – As COVID-19 infection rates continue to increase in states across the country, many of those jurisdictions are facing the complex dilemma of high infections rates complicating school re-openings and thereby limiting students’ access to school-based meal programs. Among the states with spiking infection rates and a high percentage of students participating in school-based meal programs are Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina.

In March schools across the country began closing to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In response, and recognizing the important source of nutrition school-based meals were to millions of American children, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service began approving nationwide waivers to provide school systems flexibility in how meals were provided to students.  For example, these waivers enable schools to serve meals in non-congregate settings and outside of standard mealtimes, serve afterschool snacks and meals outside of structured environments, and waive requirements that students be present when meals are picked up.

Over half of all students in elementary and secondary schools across the country depend on the National School Lunch Program, and 12.5 million of those students also participate in the School Breakfast Program. As the COVID-19 pandemic closed schools this spring, these students were placed at risk of not having enough to eat.

A new policy brief, Beyond School Walls: How Federal, State and Local Entities are Adapting Policies to Ensure Student Access to Healthy Meals During the COVID-19 Pandemic, released today by Trust for America’s Health, reviews steps the federal and state governments have taken to ensure students’ access to healthy meals when schools are closed and what needs to be done to ensure continued meal access as all school systems face uncertainties about how to safely reopen for the 2020-2021 school year.

“School meal programs are the most important source of nutritious food for millions of American children. To the degree possible, school systems, with financial and regulatory relief from the federal government,  should continue to be innovative about how to deliver meals to students and should strive to meet or exceed federal nutrition standards for these meals despite product shortages created by the pandemic,” said Adam Lustig, Project Manager at Trust for America’s Health and the brief’s author.

Due to the economic impact the pandemic has had on millions of American families and the numerous uncertainties about how to safely re-open schools, the currently in place program waivers should be extended through the summer and may need to be kept in place during the 2020–2021 school year, the brief says.

Many of the states hardest hit by COVID also have highest school meal programs participation rates

States with some of the highest rates of COVID-19 infections also have high percentages of students who depend on school meals for much of their nutrition. States in which both COVID-19 infection rates are above national medians and school meals program enrollment is high include Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina.

States in which more than half of students are enrolled in school-meals programs are:

Percentage of students enrolled in school meal programs

D.C.                                        76.4%

Mississippi                           75.0%

New Mexico                         71.4%

South Carolina                    67.0%

Arkansas                              63.6%

Louisiana                             63.0%

Oklahoma                            62.5%

Georgia                                62.0%

Nevada                                60.8%

Kentucky                             58.7%

California                            58.1%

Florida                                 58.1%

Arizona                                57.0%

Missouri                              52.7%

New York                            52.6%

Illinois                                 50.2%

Alabama                              51.6%

Oregon                                 50.5%

Hunger, poor nutrition and food insecurity can increase a child’s risk of developing a range of physical, mental, behavioral, emotional, and learning problems. Hungry children also get sick more often and are more likely to be hospitalized. Maintaining children’s access to nutritious meals despite school closures not only ensure they do not go hungry, but also promotes children’s health.

“State and federal guidelines waivers have allowed school systems to provide meals to students during the pandemic response, keeping them in place this summer and into the 2020-2021 school year will be the difference between kids who have enough to eat and kids who go hungry,” Lustig said.

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 Trust for America’s Health is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that promotes optimal health for every person and community and makes the prevention of illness and injury a national priority. Twitter:@HealthyAmerica1