February | 2018

Child and School Health

Healthy students are better learners, yet many schools are not able to deliver the conditions that support student health – conditions such as access to in-school health services, a clean…

May | 2012

The Facts Hurt

…additional research-based injury prevention policies, and if programs were fully implemented and enforced. TFAH and RWJF worked with a committee of top injury prevention experts from the Safe States Alliance…

September | 2012

F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2012

…obesity could contribute to «diab_30_actual» new cases of type 2 diabetes, «chd_30_actual» new cases of coronary heart disease and stroke, «hyper_30_actual» new cases of hypertension, «arth_30_actual» new cases of arthritis,…

July | 2011

F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America’s Future 2011

…weight-related assessments. Twenty-six states «farmtoschool» have now established farm-to-school programs. Five years ago, only New York had a law establishing a farm-to-school program. Sixteen states «completestreets» now have Complete Streets…

October | 2013

Prescription Drug Abuse: Strategies to Stop the Epidemic

…a number of public health, clinical, injury prevention, law enforcement and community organization experts – reviewed a range of national recommendations and examined a set of 10 indicators of strategies…